Help Preserve the Russell Legacy.
The University of Science and Philosophy (USP) is committed to the uplift and betterment of the human race. 100% of the proceeds help support and maintain the USP, The Russell Museum and its associated operational costs.
The USP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, which makes your contribution tax-deductible.
Help ensure the future of the USP and Russell Museum by including the University in your estate plan. Through your will, trust, or other deferred gifts, you can leave a lasting legacy that will benefit the University and visitors of all ages for generations to come.
Foundation and governmental support is critical to the advancement of the University’s mission. Gifts from local and national foundations and grants from state and federal agencies help to maintain our mission of Preserving the Russell Legacy.
Annual contributions also help ensure the future of the USP.
To speak with someone about contributing, contact us for more information.
Thank you for your contribution(s).
Very truly,
The University of Science and Philosophy
"THIS NEW WAY OF LIFE is based upon the balanced perfection and normalcy of the love principle of Nature which never takes, but gives for the purpose of equally regiving that which has been given." - The Home Study Course
The USP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, which makes your contribution tax-deductible.
Help ensure the future of the USP and Russell Museum by including the University in your estate plan. Through your will, trust, or other deferred gifts, you can leave a lasting legacy that will benefit the University and visitors of all ages for generations to come.
Foundation and governmental support is critical to the advancement of the University’s mission. Gifts from local and national foundations and grants from state and federal agencies help to maintain our mission of Preserving the Russell Legacy.
Annual contributions also help ensure the future of the USP.
To speak with someone about contributing, contact us for more information.
Thank you for your contribution(s).
Very truly,
The University of Science and Philosophy
"THIS NEW WAY OF LIFE is based upon the balanced perfection and normalcy of the love principle of Nature which never takes, but gives for the purpose of equally regiving that which has been given." - The Home Study Course
To donate by check, please send and make payable to:
The University of Science and Philosophy
P.O. Box 520 Waynesboro, Virginia 22980 U.S.A.
The University of Science and Philosophy
P.O. Box 520 Waynesboro, Virginia 22980 U.S.A.